Technical Subteams:
Mechanical is the most hands-on experience of the team. They deal with the CAD design and major construction of the robot. Team members collaborate to create efficient mechanical systems, chassis, drivetrain, manipulators, and any other components essential for the robot's intended functions.
The electrical subteam’s work often extends beyond the initial design. They work on important tasks such as wiring the robot, soldering critical components, and ensuring seamless integration for each mechanical component. All of these different tasks contained within the electrical subteam are crucial for ensuring a solid robot that is ready for competition.
During the build season, the programming subteam engages in testing and debugging to refine the code and optimize the robot's performance. They transform the team’s ideas into lines of readable code that can lead our robot to execute actions with utmost efficiency. Here, team members collaborate with each other to write algorithms, automations, and make the robot come to life for competitions.
CAD (Computer aided design)
CAD is an essential component of any robot. It takes the idea of a robot to life as it is modeled, allowing for editing and revising of an entire robot on a computer program. Creating this design is vital to help create a physical robot, as it allows for people in our mechanical subteam to know exact dimensions and materials they need to use to make our competition robot.