This subteam is focused on manufacturing parts for the robot as well as putting the robot together. The tasks of the team also include taking apart the robot, using power tools, using cnc . This subteam essentially takes designs from the design subteam and makes them.
This subteam involves the connection of electrical and pneumatic components for the entire robot. You will learn the basics of electrical and pneumatics as they are used both inside and outside of FRC. There will be frequent communication with other subteams and fun projects such as a pilotable T-shirt cannon! No prior experience necessary.
This subteam is focused on programming the robot for competition and its many subsystems. Anyone interested in learning more about computer science, computer logic and Java programming are encouraged to join this subteam. No prior experience necessary!
3D Design
The design subteam uses software like fusion 360 to design the robot. People who are interesting in CAD as well as creative design are encouraged to join this subteam. No prior experience is necessary to join this subteam.
Marketing and Social Media
Marketing and Social Media is responsible for the management of the website(you’re on it right now) as well as getting the name of the team out to the public. This subteam also manages the team’s social media presence on twitter, instagram, facebook,etc..
Graphic Design
This subteam is focused on graphic design as well as video editing. Those who enjoy using software like premiere pro or any other editing softwares are encouraged to join.
This subteam is focused on community service as well as other community based events. Join this team if you are interested in volunteering and helping others as a member of the robotics team!
This subteam presents our accomplishments to judges to win awards. These awards help us get to competition and help train our team in less technical ways as it helps them learn how to word and explain accomplishments and teaches them skills which they can use in later endeavors.